Secret diaries of him part 7

I seemed very lost and agitated at this point. I wanted to keep the friendship but it was getting too serious and intense. Basing any relationship on lies is never a good thing and right now I was feeling the weight of my mistakes. I needed to get rid of Rosie and maybe let them get to know me, Aneesa and start all over again. Maybe be proper friends. But hell who was I trying to kid. 
By now Raj was insisting on chatting on the phone with Rosie and he wanted to see her on camera. But how could I? As soon as I did he would know it’s really me. All the more reason to get out. He was already suspecting Rosie was me for these reasons and a few others. He kept insisting Rosie reminded him of me. Zia had said the same thing too and had even gone far enough as to send a friend request to my own account. He’d tried to initiate a conversation which so far I had ignored. It was too close for comfort. 
I phoned Zia one day and told him that as much as I want him (shush it’s part of my plan) I don’t think I could be a second wife. He went very quiet. I continued. I went on and said I’m not asking you to leave her I know you won’t and can’t but I also know I can’t share you. I could tell he wasn’t happy and he wasn’t saying much either. I decided to cut the call short. 
I thought right that’s enough to make them both realise that these plans are too silly and too far fetched. Second wives don’t come that easy and certainly not in the form of a sassy young rich girl in the middle of her studies.   
When I spoke to Neema a few days later she never mentioned my convo with Zia, it was clear he hadn’t told her. Which kinda pissed me off a little. Her plans were still full steam ahead. 
I messaged him and asked why does she still think everything is normal. (Normal 😏) he replied I don’t want to break her heart she really likes you and is excited about visiting. 
My heart sank realising he’s more twisted than her. What the hell was going on here! I really needed to think. No matter what I said or did I thought that crazy couple would turn up here anyway. I had a feeling he had told her then again maybe not. 
Ok I knew what I had to do, a little drastic but enough to get me out of this mess. I sent a message to Neema and Zia. 
” I have a family emergency my father has been in a car accident it’s really serious I have to go home” 

7 responses to “Secret diaries of him part 7

  1. Don’t know about him being twisted, he was behaving like anyone would in this scenario. Also, don’t want to get spoilers or sound like a fan boy but if you stayed with Raj that would be very anti climactic.

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